Back Home... Good or Bad?

Aahh... Home Sweet Home. It is of course a good thing when you go back home after you left it for several days (or in my case, months). Some people would say "I miss you, my home!" and some would even say "I can't wait to go back!". But for me, life is not entirely as in "I miss you, home!" or "I can't wait to go back!" or any other quotations that says I miss my hometown, or home.

Why? Would you be happy if you go back home, alone? Or, if you are not alone, will you be happy if your parents are not around? Some would say "Yes! I can do whatever I want!" and some would say "No, I really miss them; a LOT!" and for me, it is the second quotation that made me feel lonely, even though my siblings are around.

If my parents were reading this, I miss you a lot. And I LOVE YOU, MUM AND DAD!

With all due respect,
Hafiz Khairuddin

1:15 a.m
Parit Buntar, Perak